In this society were in now, everyone want's to be in the so called "
Spotlight" ! But let's make some
NOISE for the upcoming artist trying to get their VOICE heard.
- There are lot's of upcoming artist I think will have potential to be a STAR and make it BIGGER than they already are , and also I think that there are Celeb's who are going to be a HIT in the future.
Let's make noise for this North Carolina Native
"Bobby Ray Simmon's Jr"
With his debut album B.o.B Presents: The Adventures Of Bobby Ray, B.o.B is an artist I think will be a hit in the future.
William H.
Let's Give it up to an artist who I think will be in the Spotlight Soon ' A local St.Louis Rapper by the name of
William , Humphrey is a local artist from St.Louis , and he has the potential and motivation to be good at what he does which is ~Rapping~ ! He picks up his pen and he let's loose. You can listen to his mixtape's "DOF' Volume's.
Let's get to the Life of A Jetsetter
" Daniel Diggy Simmon's"
It's time for the YOUTH to show their talent , and first a upcoming artist who just recently signed to Atlantic Records and he is on the WAVE to new music and new FASHION Trends.
~The First Flight~ (Diggy's New Album Title)
Diggy will be making it in the world with his unique and individuality he is showing the world. Even though he is 15 he is making moves like he is 25!
We all SCREAM! for Ke$ha :)
Ke$ha the outspoken free-willed, artist who dosent GIVE.ah Fck !

This Cali- Native is on the rise to stardom , with her new single "Your Love Is My Drug" she will definitely be apart of the upcoming artist. At the age of 23 she is young and creative.