- There are lot's of upcoming artist I think will have potential to be a STAR and make it BIGGER than they already are , and also I think that there are Celeb's who are going to be a HIT in the future.
Let's make noise for this North Carolina Native
"Bobby Ray Simmon's Jr"

With his debut album B.o.B Presents: The Adventures Of Bobby Ray, B.o.B is an artist I think will be a hit in the future.
William H.
Let's Give it up to an artist who I think will be in the Spotlight Soon ' A local St.Louis Rapper by the name of
William , Humphrey is a local artist from St.Louis , and he has the potential and motivation to be good at what he does which is ~Rapping~ ! He picks up his pen and he let's loose. You can listen to his mixtape's "DOF' Volume's.

Let's get to the Life of A Jetsetter
" Daniel Diggy Simmon's"
It's time for the YOUTH to show their talent , and first a upcoming artist who just recently signed to Atlantic Records and he is on the WAVE to new music and new FASHION Trends.
~The First Flight~ (Diggy's New Album Title)

We all SCREAM! for Ke$ha :)
Ke$ha the outspoken free-willed, artist who dosent GIVE.ah Fck !

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